Trouble indeed if one computer is used a lot of people. You may store confidential files that do not want other people to read. How to secure files and folders from the hands of ignorant?
If you feel bothered protect it manually, protective programs files / folders can be an alternative of your choice. These programs can be downloaded on the Internet. Here are some software that you can use to secure your files and folders.
1. Folder Lock Windows operating system does provide a folder hider facilities. Unfortunately many people who already understand how to make it no longer hidden. Folder Lock can be an alternative option.
Folder Lock is a software lock folder. This program came about 2 years ago. Its function is almost the same as a lock. Folder Lock will bring up a dialog box for a password each file that was clicked. Not only lock, protected files will be hidden. Facilities offered are also diverse, ranging from protection from viruses, encrypts and scrambles the data.
This application size 1.82 MB and can run on Windows platforms 98/ME/NT/2000/XP. This program can be obtained through the site / folderlock. Unfortunately the program is shareware that is not free because you have to pocket U.S. $ 35 to get it.
2. Cryptainer LE 5.0.1 This software will make you a container of data or folders that are used to store various kinds of data. You just put the files to be encrypted into the folder. Not only can you work on a PC (computer), this program can also be used in other storage media like USB drives, CD ROM, Flash Disk and other.
In addition to working to protect the data, this software is also able to protect e-mail. You can get this software free of charge or free via the website Just like Folder Lock, this program can be run on the Windows platform 98/ME/NT/2000/XP
3. MySecretFolder This software gives users the option to select the feature to hide the directory or folder with password protection. The first option just hides it without giving a password. The second option gives only files with password protection alone.
These applications can run on platforms Windows 98, ME, 2000, Server 2003 and Windows XP. For download, support and updates, can be accessed through the site
4. FileGhost FileGhost is one of the security tools that can be used to protect files or folders. With this program, you can securely lock, hide, reject (deny) file reading, file writing, prevent file deletion steps (deleting), copying (copying), displacement (moving, changing the name of the file / folder (renaming) and Replacing.
Protection programs can also be applied to files, folders, volumes of the hard disk, CD / DVD-ROM, flash card or other storage media, regardless of the file system used (FAT or NTFS).
The program is also very user friendly and easy to use. Simply drag and drop your files and set desired checks, then the protection program will start work immediately. With FileGhost, you can not only protect your important data from others, but also from malicious programs like viruses, trojans, spyware and other malicious programs.
Problem platform, this program runs on Windows 2K/XP/2K3. Unfortunately, this program is not free. Yet to try it, this program is provided free of charge.

How To Manual
If you are lazy to use the software, here are some ways that you can manually try to protect files / folders.
A. Protecting Word / Excel.
The steps are: 1. Open up Word or Excel file you want to protect. 2. On the toolbar menu, choose Tools menu then select Options and go to the Security menu. 3. Once you enter the Security box will appear where you will be prompted to type a password to protect files. 4. On the right of the box before, there is the Advanced menu. If you want a keyword that is loaded with more powerful encrypted, select this menu. On the Advanced menu, there is a choice of encryption from the weakest of "Weak Encryption", which works with the XOR operation. This level is no longer the choice of keywords.
My level is higher then there is the encryption mode "Office 97/2000 Compatible" for the standard file protection. The next level varies but remains with the RC4 encryption method. At this level, you can fill in the length of the keyword with a minimum of 40 to 128 letters. Various encryption techniques are offered, ranging from the DSS, RSA and AES.
5. Click OK to select the encryption type and you will return to the start Security. 7. In addition, there are still boxes to fill in key words that will offer you protection for file modification, whether the file can be changed or simply read-only. Our recommendation, please fill out this box for stronger security. 8. Click OK, and then will pop up a dialog box asking you to fill in the keyword to open and modify files. 9. You will be back in your file. Do not forget to menyimpannnya first before you close it so that the effect of giving the key word was efficacious.
What if want to remove protection last? How: 1. Reopen the file 2. Go to the Security section and delete keywords in the box that you fill. 3. Click OK 4. Back to the file and save the files again.
B. Through Regedit
This method is less popular when compared with the performance of the software easier. Steps: 1. Click Start> Run, then type regedit and press Enter. 2. You will be escorted to file HKEY_CURRENT_USER. Then select the HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
In the right window there would be "NoFolderOptions". Double click NoFolderOptions, Data Type: REG_DWORD. Who 'tricked' here is the data. Data: (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled / hide). If you enable this setting, then Folder Options menu found on the Start Menu - Settings will be lost.
How do I bring up the folder option back? Following steps: 1. Open the RUN 2. typing gpedit.msc 3. open user configuration 4. administrativ open temple 5. open Windows componen 6. open windows explorer 7. search menu Remove the Folder Options menu item from the tools menu 8. 2x click and select disable OK open My Computer Just look at the Tool tab would have come back Optionsnya Folders

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