Windows XP provides tools and programs designed to set your computer to keep it running at maximum capacity. Window XP allocates resources based on its setting and then set the device. However, you can change how Windows XP uses processor time (processor time) and the computer memory to improve performance. You can also adjust the settings of your computer visual effects. Memory and Performance Microsoft recommends that computers running Windows XP should have at least 128 MB of memory (recommended 256 MB to 512 MB to play 3D games). With this much memory, Windows XP can be consistently demonstrated superiority of Windows ever. Many users increase the number of its memory to maximize multimedia capabilities and gain better performance. In general, adding memory is the easiest and most effective way to improve computer performance. Although recommended, Windows XP does not require 128 MB of RAM. This operating system can run with 64 MB of RAM. For activities such as web browsing, e-mail, and other activities, with 64 megs of RAM you will get an equivalent performance with Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me). Other Factors Affecting Performance Regardless of the application used, the CPU speed could affect performance. Windows XP does not require a hardware high-minimum Pentium II 300 MHz, but the system can get more leverage with faster hardware. Operating system, especially user interface (UI) of Windows XP, sensitive to graphics systems and graphics drivers. Onboard video card will facilitate the processing of the RAM used by the operating system and applications. Setting the Time Processor Processing system is set by Windows which can allocate tasks between processors, including regulating multiple processes on a single processor. However, you can set Windows to allocate more processor time to the running programs. This results in a response time faster program. Or, if you have background programs, such as printing or disk back-ups who want to run while you work, you can set Windows to divide the processor between the average background and foreground programs. Adjusting Computer Memory When your computer is running low on RAM and more is needed in a short time, Windows uses hard drive space to simulate system RAM. This is known as virtual memory, often called the paging file. This is similar to the UNIX swapfile. The default size for virtual memory file (named pagefile.sys) created during installation is 1.5 times the amount of RAM on your computer. You can optimize virtual memory use by dividing it into multiple drives and removing it from the hard drive is slow or frequently accessed. The best way to optimize your virtual memory space is divided into lots as far as possible the hard drive. You can optimize the use of computer memory. If more use of the computer as a workstation, rather than as a server, you can allocate more memory to your programs. Your programs will work faster and and your system cache size will have a size of the default Windows XP. You can also allocate more memory computers transform and get a larger system cache, if the computer is used as a server or if you use programs that require a larger cache. Changing Visual Effects Windows provides several options to set the visual effects of your computer. For example, you can show shadows under menus, and give them a 3-D view. You can ask Windows to display the entire contents of a window when you move it on screen. In order for the text easier to read, you can smooth screen fonts. You can also run a web view in folders, which will feature a number of hyperlinks and information on the left side of the folder window. Windows provides the option to run all the settings (for best appearance), or turn off all the settings (for best computer performance). You can also restore the initial default settings. Guide to Choosing Drive for Virtual Memory First, try to avoid using the pagefile on the same drive with the file system. Second, avoid placing the pagefile on a fault-tolerant drive, such as mirrored volumes or RAID-5 volumes. Pagefile does not need fault-tolerance, and some fault-tolerance systems have a low-speed data writing because they write data to multiple locations. Third, do not place a pagefile on a different partition on the same physical hard drive. Changing Background and Foreground Program Performance 1. Open System in Control Panel. 2. On the Advanced tab, under Performance, click Settings. 3. On the Advanced tab, under Processor scheduling, do one of the following: * Click the Program to provide more processor resources to the foreground program than the background program. * Click on the Background Services to divide the average processor resources to all programs. Note: * To open System, click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click System. * Select Program will accelerate the response foreground program. If you want a background task, such as Backup utility, to run faster, select Background services. * Programs to allocate part time (time slices) or quanta shorter and varied, while the Background services allocate a long, fixed quanta. Changing Virtual Memory File Size 1. Open System in Control Panel. 2. On the Advanced tab, under Performance, click Settings. 3. On the Advanced tab, under Virtual memory, click Change. 4. Under Drive [Volume Label], click the drive that contains the paging file you want to change. 5. Under Paging file size for selected drive, click Custom size, and enter a new paging file size in megabytes in the Initial size (MB) or Maximum size (MB), and then click Set. If lowering the initial or maximum size, you must restart the computer to see the effect those changes. At the time of increase usually does not require a restart. Note: * In order for Windows to choose the best paging file size, click System managed size. * For best performance, do not set the initial size of less than the minimum recommended size under Total paging size for all drives. The recommended size is equivalent to 1.5 times the RAM on kompter. Typically, you must allow the paging file on the recommended size, although you can enlarge the size if you frequently use programs that require lots of memory. * To remove the paging file, set the initial size and maximum size to a mole or click No paging file. Microsoft strongly recommends that you do not turn off or delete the paging file

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